- Wrestling Leader Library, opens in a new tab
- How to Become a Coach
- Certification
- Core Curriculum, opens in a new tab
- Rulebook, opens in a new tab
- Coaching Resources
- ADM Youth Hub, opens in a new tab
- Purchase Courses - Manage Tasks, opens in a new tab
- How to Print Replacement Card, opens in a new tab
- How to Purchase Plastic Card, opens in a new tab
- Wrestling Leader Library, opens in a new tab
- How to Become a Coach
- Certification
- Core Curriculum, opens in a new tab
- Rulebook, opens in a new tab
- Coaching Resources
- ADM Youth Hub, opens in a new tab
- Purchase Courses - Manage Tasks, opens in a new tab
- How to Print Replacement Card, opens in a new tab
- How to Purchase Plastic Card, opens in a new tab
How to Become a Coach
Becoming a coach with USA Wrestling is simple. It starts by purchasing your USA Wrestling Leader Membership.
In order to purchase the Wrestling Leader Membership, you are required to need to complete and pass a Background Check and Safe Sport Training. When you go through the Membership process, you will be guided through completing these requirements before your Wrestling Leader Membership is issued. Wrestling Leader Memberships are valid for one year or two years depending on which you choose, and need to be renewed when it expires. Each Membership season runs from September 1 to August 31.
In addition to having your current USA Wrestling Leader membership, there are education and certification opportunities available to you. Some level of Coaches Certification is required to coach at specific events. All USA Wresting Regional and National events require coaches to have a Copper and/or Bronze Coaching Certification to coach at the event, depending on which age category you are coaching. Coaches Certification requirements are listed on the event website under "Coaches". Coaches Certifications are valid for life and do not need to be renewed each year.
State associations and/or tournament directors may set the coaching requirements for each event on a state and local level. Please check the event website under “Coaches” or contact your state USA Wrestling Office, or the tournament director for the event you plan to attend to know certification requirements for that event.
Coaching Athletes 12 Years Old and Under
USA Wrestling recommends a Copper Level Coaches Certification to coach athletes ages 12 and under.
This certification focuses on three key goals: recruiting athletes, retaining athletes, and helping athletes build self-efficacy for athletes in a more participation-based training environment.
This four-hour online course costs $50 and contains six modules including:
1. History and Styles of Wrestling
2. Core Olympic Values
3. ADM and Your Coaching Philosophy
4. Coaching and Communication
5. Risk Management and Safety
6. Nutrition and Competition Tips
Coaching Athletes 13 Years Old and Up
USA Wrestling recommends a Bronze Level Coaches Certification to coach athletes ages 13 and up.
This certification focuses on developing a coach’s professional skills and athlete centered coaching for athletes in both participation-based and performance-based
training environments.
This six-hour online course costs $80 and contains eight modules including:
1. Philosophy and Ethics
2. Safety and Injury Prevention
3. Physical Conditioning
4. Growth and Development
5. Teaching and Communication
6. Sport Skills and Tactics
7. Organization and Administration
8. Evaluation
Advanced Coaching Certifications
In addition to Copper and Bronze, USA Wrestling also offers Silver and Gold Coaches Certifications. See the NCEP Certifications page for additional details on these programs, or contact NCEP Manager Mike Clayton for more details.
Once you have a current USA Wrestling Leader Membership, you can Register for a Copper or Bronze Coaches Certification Course online.
Completed certifications will update to a coach’s profile immediately upon completion of a course, at which time a new membership card can be printed online for free. Your updated plastic membership will be mailed within 3-4 weeks.