
#NGWSD Quiz: Test your knowledge of women’s college wrestling history


by Gary Abbott, USA Wrestling

Emily Shilson (McKendree) at the 2023 NCWWC Nationals (Photo by Andy Cook,

As USA Wrestling celebrates National Girls and Women in Sports Day, we focus on the rapidly growing women’s college wrestling scene. There has been women’s wrestling on the college level for 30 years, and has a rich history.

How well do you know women’s college wrestling history. Take this 25-question quiz and see how much you know about this important topic.

1: What was the first team to win a women’s college national title in the USA?

2. Who was the first four-time women’s college national champion?

3. Who was the first U.S. women’s wrestling Olympic medalist who competed on both a women’s college team and a men’s college team?

4. Who is the only five-time women’s college national champion?

5. Name the only NCAA Div. III team to win a women’s college nationals title?

6. Who was the first woman head coach of a women’s college team to win an NWCA National Duals Team Title?

7. What three colleges have won the most women’s college national titles (including all organizations)?

8. What team won the first women’s college national team title under the Women’s Collegiate Wrestling Association (WCWA) banner?

9. Name the first NCAA Div. I program to add a women’s varsity wrestling team.

10. Name the only two athletes to win three NAIA national titles?

11. Name the first U.S. women’s college national champion?

12. What college has won the most individual women’s college national titles?

13. Who was the first women’s freestyle Olympic medalist for the USA who competed only on a men’s college team?

14. Who was the first woman head coach of a women’s college team to win a national team title?

15. Name the only college to win a women’s college national title at the junior college level?

16. What twin sisters were both women’s college national champions?

17. Name the only college to win a California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) women’s wrestling state team title.

18. Who was the first wrestler to compete on a women’s college wrestling team to be inducted as a Distinguished Member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame?

19. Who was the first undefeated four-time women’s college national champion to win all of her titles at the same weight class?

20. What was the first NCAA Div. I Power Five university to add women’s wrestling, and what Hall of Fame member was its first head coach?

21. What was the first university in the United States to have a varsity women’s wrestling team?

22. What two Olympians were the first two women to serve as head coach for a women’s college varsity wrestling team?

23. What three teams were showcased in the 2005 NWCA National Duals, the first time that women wrestlers were included in the event?

24. What national sports organization held the first official women’s college national championships (not an invitational or held by an outside wrestling organization)?

25. What is the only college located in Canada to win a U.S. college national team title?

How did you do?

Here are the answers to each of the 25 questions

Scoring Metrics

Genius – 25 correct

Expert – 20-24 correct

Enthusiast – 15-19 correct

Long-time Fan – 10-14 correct

Interested Fan – 6-9 correct

Newcomer – 0-5 correct

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