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USA Wrestling to discontinue its Message Boards on October 31


by Gary Abbott, USA Wrestling

Screen capture of USA Wrestling's Forums

USA Wrestling has decided that it will discontinue its Message Boards, which are titled “ Forums,” on Monday, October 31, 2022.

This platform, where wrestling fans have discussed a variety of topics within the sport, has been part of USA Wrestling’s content offerings for two decades.

With the explosion of social media platforms which have become a communications staple for the wrestling community, as well as an expanded variety of online wrestling options for fans, USA Wrestling has decided to place its focus in other areas.

Fans are encouraged to continue to follow updates about the sport on USA Wrestling’s other existing platforms, including its website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube accounts.

USA Wrestling will share information with its audience on other wrestling-related message boards that might be hosted by other organizations if they are developed.

USA Wrestling appreciates all of the people who have participated on its Message Board in the past, and thanks them for their interest in the sport and support of the wrestling community.

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