
Strong U.S. team set for CISM Military Worlds in Yerevan, Armenia, Nov. 20-22


by Gary Abbott, USA Wrestling

Kamal Bey (USA) competing at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France (Photo by Tony Rotundo, Wrestlers Are Warriors)

The U.S. will send a talented and experienced team of military athletes to compete at the 37th CISM World Military Wrestling Championships in Yerevan, Armenia, November 20-22.

This event features athletes from around the world who are military personel in active duty. It is traditionally a very competitive event, as there is a large number of international wrestlers who are currently serving in their nation’s Armed Forces.

This year, the U.S. team will consist entirely of athletes who are part of the Army World Class Athlete Program. The event which helped form the U.S. team was the 2024 Armed Forces Wrestling Championships, held at the U.S. Air Force Academy outside of Colorado Springs, Colo., March 2-3.

The USA will have a full team of athletes in Greco-Roman, led by Olympians SGT Ildar S. Hafizov (63 kg), SGT Alejandro Sancho (63 kg) and SPC Kamal A. Bey (82 kg). Bey competed in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, while Hafizov and Sancho were on the U.S. team at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

Hafizov, Sancho and Bey have also competed on a number of U.S. Senior World Championship teams. Others on the CISM Greco-Roman team who are past U.S. World Team members are SPC Dalton J. Roberts (60 kg), SGT Xavier T. Johnson (67 kg) and SPC Spencer Woods (87 kg).

Other members of the CISM Greco-Roman Team who have competed on age-group U.S. World Teams are SPC William D. Sullivan (55 kg) and SPC Justus R. Scott (77 kg).

The women’s freestyle team is also talented, with a mix of experienced talent with some young stars on the rise.

There are two past U.S. Senior World Team members on the CISM team, SGT Areana L. Villaescusa (55 kg) and SPC Abigail E. Nette (59 kg). Add in three other team members who have been on U.S. age-group World Teams: SPC Adaugo Nwachuchkwu (62 kg), SPC Sienna Ramirez (65 kg) and SPC Tristan Kelly (76 kg)

Five members of the women’s team were college national champions before joining the U.S. Army WCAP program: Nette, Duty and Nwachukwu, plus SPC Nina Pham (50 kg) and SPC Sienna Ramirez (65 kg)

At this time, the U.S. will not have a men’s freestyle team, although CPT Jeremiah B. Imonode, who is competing at 130 kg in Greco-Roman, may enter at 125 kg in men’s freestyle.

There will be three days of competition, with all three disciplines featured each day with some weight classes.

Coaching the team will be U.S. Army WCAP coaches Shon Lewis, Spenser Mango and Bruce Robinson. Accompanying the team will be past Olympic coach Jay Antonelli, who is a member of the CISM Wrestling Committee and wrestled and coached for the U.S. Marine Corps.

“First and foremost, we are aiming to have some great performance representing Team USA. We are seeking to get quality matches for everybody and to bring home medals. This tournament may not be as deep as the Senior World Championships, but there will be World champions and medalists in each weight class. This will show us where we are against some of the world’s best wrestlers,” said Coach Spenser Mango.

37th CISM World Military Wrestling Championships

At Yerevan, Armenia, November 20-22

U.S. Greco-Roman roster

55 kg – SPC William D. Sullivan, U.S. Army

60 kg – SPC Dalton J. Roberts, U.S. Army

63 kg – SGT Ildar S. Hafizov, U.S. Army

67 kg – SGT Xavier T. Johnson, U.S. Army

72 kg – SGT Alejandro Sancho, U.S. Army

77 kg – SPC Justus R. Scott, U.S. Army

82 kg – SPC Kamal A. Bey, U.S. Army

87 kg – SPC Spencer Woods, U.S. Army

97 kg – SPC Timothy Young, U.S. Army

130 kg -CPT Jeremiah B. Imonode, U.S. Army

U.S. Women's freestyle roster

50 kg – SPC Nina Pham, U.S. Army

55 kg – SGT Areana L. Villaescusa, U.S. Army

59 kg – SPC Abigail E. Nette, U.S. Army

62 kg – SPC Adaugo Nwachuchkwu, U.S. Army

65 kg – SPC Sienna Ramirez, U.S. Army

76 kg – SPC Tristan Kelly, U.S. Army

U.S. Men’s Freestyle roster

125 kg -CPT Jeremiah B. Imonode, U.S. Army

Coach – Spenser T. Mango             

Coach – Shon D. Lewis    

Coach – Bruce Robinson  

Athletic Trainer – Kyle R. Eckert   

CISM Wrestling Committee – Jon J. Antonelli

Competition schedule

Wednesday, November 20

Men’s Freestyle: 57 kg, 61 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg

Greco-Roman: 60 kg, 63 kg, 67 kg, 77 kg

Women’s Freestyle: 50 kg, 53 kg

Thursday, November 21

Men’s Freestyle: 74 kg, 79 kg, 86 kg

Greco-Roman: 55 kg, 72 kg, 82 kg

Women’s Freestyle: 55-57-59-62

Friday, November 22

Men’s Freestyle: 92 kg, 97 kg, 125 kg

Greco-Roman: 87 kg, 97 kg, 130 kg

Women’s Freestyle: 65 kg, 69 kg, 72 kg, 76 kg

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